Balsamic Dressing
This was the standard salad dressing in our house for three reasons: it's delicious, it's easy, it's quick. It's been replaced more recently with a slightly more fiddly one (Asian salad dressing) as my husband found out that mustard is something his tummy disagrees with (much to my dismay!). Sometimes I just omit the mustard which is fine. But I'd like you to enjoy a bit more than fine on your salad today.


MAKES 1 CUP/250ml
3/4 cup/180ml olive oil
1/4 cup/60ml balsamic vinegar
1 tsp Dijon mustard
If you don't want to make a big jar just use the ratio 1 part balsamic to 3 parts oil and a bit of Dijon, taste and adjust.
Take an old, clean jar and add all ingredients.
Put the lid on (tightly) and shake vigorously for about 30 seconds.
Open the lid, taste and adjust ingredients according to your taste.
You want to taste the balsamic more than the oil as you can use a bit less on the salad but still have the lovely flavour. I hate oily salads. This ratio is based on the brand used in the picture, perhaps I'd use a slightly different ratio with another brand.